The Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST) was started by the Dhaka Ahsania Vision in 1995.
Dhaka Ahsania Mission is a non-profit non-reflex company in Bangladesh. The Mission was founded in 1958 by Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah, an exceptional educationist and sociable reformer of undivided India.
The learners who have exceeded HSC Examination in the present year and year just before are accepted in various Departments in each and every semester. Admission news are viewable on the Notice Board and the Website of the Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology Bangladesh and printed in a number of regular newspapers. The applicants are essential to fill out an application in the recommended Application Form accessible in the Office of the Registrar. Printed Application Form jointly with a Prospectus of the Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology Bangladesh is offered on payment of required charges. The Office of the Registrar offers pay-in slip to each and every applicant on require. The applicant is then necessary to pay in required charge for Application Form and Prospectus in One Bank Limited, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology Bangladesh Booth, Dhaka.
Graduate Studies
- For any kind of query regarding admission procedure, please contact –
- Registrar’s Office,
- 141 & 142, Love Road, Tejgaon Industrial Area,
- Dhaka-1208
- Phone: 9897339, 9897311, 9897132, 9896696, 9897020 Ext. 300/113/114; 9860779
Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology Admission 2022 Last date
Recognition of Bachelor Degrees of AUST
Bachelor Degrees of Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology Bangladesh are identified by Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), the major and one of the most well-known universities in the public sector of Bangladesh, for subsequent M. Sc. programs presented by BUET. The appropriate Degrees are also approved with the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB), Institute of Architects, Bangladesh (lAB) and the Institute of Textile Engineers & Technologists, Bangladesh (ITET). AUST also lately accomplished a special variation through the acceptance of the University Grants Commission of Bangladesh (UGC) of its recently designed commodious campus having modem conveniences and infrastructures, as the “Permanent Campus” of University
Faculties, Institutes and Teaching Departments
Faculty of Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Textile Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Production Engineering (IPE)
- Master of Science in Mathematics
Faculty of Architecture and Planning
- Bachelor of Architecture
Faculty of Business and Social Science
- Bachelor of Business Administration
- Master of Business Administration
Faculty of Education
- Bachelor of Education (B.Ed)
- Master of Education (M.Ed)
Institute of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (ITVET)
- Architecture Technology
- Civil Technology
- Computer Technology
- Electrical Technology
- Electronics Technology
- Textile Engineering
- Chemical Technology
Faculty Members, Syllabus and Others
- Department of Architecture (ARCH)
- Department of Civil Engineering (CE)
- Department of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)
- Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE)
- Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering (MPE)
- Department of Arts and Science
- Department of Textile Technology (TT)
- Faculty of Education (ED)
- School of Business (SB)
Bangladesh Examination & Grading System
- The overall performance of a Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology Bangladesh student in a theoretical program of analysis will be considered on the foundation of the following conditions:
- Steady evaluation (assessment of class attendance, class overall performance, quizzes and/or assignments etc. ).
- Semester Final Exam.
- Clearance Examination (for clearance of the programs in which the learners unsuccessful in the Regular Exam, if any)
- Carry Over Exam (for clearance of back log of the program(s) of earlier semester(s), if any).
- Development Examination (for enhancement of the grade(s) attained in the Standard Examinations, if any)
- The constant assessment and the Semester Final Examination will form Regular Examination while the Clearance Examination, Carry Over Exam and Enhancement Examination will offer extra possibilities to the learners.
- The submission of grades in the steady examination and in the Semester Final/Clearance/Carry Over/Improvement Exam will be as follows:
- Class contribution (i. e. class attendance, class overall performance etc. )….. 10%
- Quizzes and/or projects…………………………………………………. 20%
- Semester Final/Clearance/Carry Over/Enhancement Exam…. 70%.
- Total:………………………………………………………………………..100%
Heads of the Departments/School would carry out the preceding timetable acquiring winter season break as equipped by them and monitor it stringently.
- All the theoretical/sessional/studio classes, quizzes, class assessment, jury etc. rather be accomplished by 27. 01. 2022 and the left over days up to 01. 02. 2022 be used for modification.
Thanks for visiting our site which is compatible of Universities Admissions and details.
Official Website:
Founded: 1995
Type: Private University
Please Engineering subjects admission fall semester.
When admission announced we have updated on the website.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box get in touch with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team