Bangladesh is a country in south Asia. The country of Bangladesh came into existence after the partition of British India. That time it was known as East Pakistan. Now Bangladesh is world’s eight most populous countries with more than 160 million population counts. Higher education in Bangladesh is supervise by University Grant Commission, whereas Medical education is supervised by Ministry of Health and also requires affiliation with a university. Till the year of 1990 there were all government medical colleges in Bangladesh. After 90’s private medical colleges has been setup.
How Pakistani Student Get Admission in Bangladesh Medical College for MBBS & BDS
The Government of People’s republic of Bangladesh has offered admission in medical colleges of Bangladesh for Pakistani students to the academic year of 2015. The government has reserved 22 seats for Pakistani students in MBBS and BDS degrees. All degrees are offered by the Government medical Colleges of PRB. Admission will be provided on self-finance which means that there is no scholarship from the government or from institutions. The candidate needs to pay all dues and fee equal to the Bangladeshi students.
Eligibility Criteria:
To apply for MBBS/BDS admission in Bangladesh the candidate must fulfill the given criteria
1) Should pass the examination of 12 standards from any Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education of Pakistan or equivalent from international institution.
2) The HSSC will be in pre-medical or pass the following subjects as compulsory (Biology, Chemistry and Physics)
3) The aggregate marks in secondary and higher secondary exams should not less than 80%.
4) The subject of Biology in HSSC or equivalent must be passed with not less than 65%.
5) The candidate should pass the higher secondary school examinations not later than the academic year of 2019.
6) Result awaiting students of HSSC are not eligible for applying.
Applying Procedure:
- Applications forms are available at the official website of National testing Service of Pakistan
- Applications along with the online deposit slip must reach to the NTS not later than the given deadline.
- The processing fee will be submitted online through the prescribed slip available with the application forms in the mentioned branches of the Banks.
- Applications forms should be send through mail. Forms received By-Hand are not considered
- The processing fee in non-refundable.
Important Dates:
Admission 2022 will be updated soon…!
Dates to be remember are
- Last date of form submission in NTS is 19th September 2022.
- Test conducted by the NTS will be held on 12th October 2022in Pakistan.
sir, plz tell me about its criteria……its merit,..etc
Currently, admission is closed. But if you apply then you need to follow admission through HEC.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
sir its too expensive if it costs 40000 us dollars that is equivalent to 40 lakh pakistani rupees …. is nt there any least expensive medical college in bangladesh?
will scholarships be given to the students out of the selected 22 students? if yes then wat is the criteria of scholarships?
Aao sir from where we should prepare nts test for bangladesh
is there any scholarship for pakistani students?
No, there is not scholarship for Pakistani Student for admission in these bangladesh medical colleges.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
From where should we prepare its test?
Test should be conduct from FSC Books. There is no specific content of syllabus for entry test.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
when 2015 admissions going to start
i have aggregate of 83 percent in mcat and 77.68 percent in nts,can i get admission
what is the need for admission only nts