The Motto of Kinnaird College “Light to guide us, courage to support us and love to unite us”. In these simple but stirring words lies the quintessence of the spirit of Kinnaird College admission 2022 last date to apply, the oldest and most distinguished women’s college of Pakistan. Kinnaird College admission – How to apply before last date? is an institution of learning where a unique and productive blend of education and values has continued to flourish for ninety-five years.
Important 2022 Admission Date for BA/BS(Hons)/BCS, Master English Language Teaching, Postgraduate Programs
- Admission Start from Dec 05
- Last Date of Form Submission Dec 19
- Reserved Seats Interview Jan 03
- Merit List Dec 30
- Last Date of Fee Submit Jan 09
- Beginning of Classes Jan 16
- Accounting & Finance
- Arabic
- Biochemistry
- Biotechnology
- Botany
- Department of Business Studies
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Computer Sciences
- Department of Economics
- English
- Environmental Sciences
- Fine Arts
- Food Sciences and Nutrition
- French
- Geography
- International Relations & Pakistan Studies
- Islamic Studies
- Mathematics
- Media Studies
- Music
- Persian
- Philosophy
- Physical Education
- Physics
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Social Work
- Statistics
- Urdu
- Zoology
Kinnaird College Admission 2022 Last Date Eligibility, Procedure [Fee Structure]
Application Procedure:
Admission Hand Books are accessible at the subsequent branches of Askari Bank during banking hours.
Shahrah-e-Aiwan-e-Tijarat Branch, Lahore.
- DHA – Z Block Branch, Lahore.
- Model Town Branch, Lahore.
- Allama Iqbal Town Branch, Lahore.
- All application forms must be completed and deposited at the KCW campus, from 9: 00 am to 2: 00 pm.
- All Applicants fascinated in admission to undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in KCW are recommended to take subsequent test executed by National Testing Service (NTS):
- B. A/B. Sc (04 Years Honor programme) National Aptitude Test (NAT)
- Masters (02 Years Programme) National Aptitude Test (NAT – II)
- M. Phil (01 Year programme) Graduate Assessment Test (General)
No application form will be approved after the expiry of the last date for submission of Application Forms.
Schedule For Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs
Kinnaird College Library acquires excessive high-quality training and other studying components to improve the viewpoint of its ever-increasing users and to get the evaluate of developing requirements for investigation and educating at a university. The aim is to accomplish users’ conditions and requires of the curriculum and offer admittance to the details that can be utilized in all spheres of the academics and also the professional lives. These sources foster lifelong studying, support innovation and creativity, helping knowledge development and enhancing decision generating procedure. The Library holds 28000+ selections of books, essential readings, comparative investigation and other studying supplies on academic and also on various disciplines of the general interest of the maximum skilled dallas pest control.
Thanks for visiting our site which is compatible of Universities Admissions and details. We provide the best information about Kinnaird College Admission 2022.
Official Website: Kinnaird College
Founded: 1913
Type: Private
Does kinnard college offer a course in Ethical Hacking.If so,can outsiders apply?
This is the list of Kinnaird College Departments see below:
1 Department of Accounting & Finance
2 Department of Arabic
3 Department of Biochemistry
4 Department of Biotechnology
5 Department of Botany
6 Department of Business Studies
7 Department of Chemistry
8 Department of Computer Sciences
9 Department of Economics
10 Department of English
11 Department of Environmental Sciences
12 Department of Fine Arts
13 Department of Food Sciences and Nutrition
14 Department of French
15 Department of Geography
16 Department of International Relations & Pakistan Studies
17 Department of Islamic Studies
18 Department of Mathematics
19 Department of Media Studies
20 Department of Music
21 Department of Persian
22 Department of Philosophy
23 Department of Physical Education
24 Department of Physics
25 Department of Political Science
26 Department of Psychology
27 Department of Social Work
28 Department of Statistics
29 Department of Urdu
30 Department of Zoology
In these department Ethical Hacking are not offered in Kinneair College.
Regars, Admin
Entireeducation Team
what percentage iz requird to get admission in kc for M.A.eng. n vat r the dates for applying kindly tell me so that i kan .
what percentage is requried to get admission in Bba(hons) at kc…??
You have minimum 50% marks in FA/Fsc for admissions in BBA(Hons).
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
I did my intermediate 1st and 2nd year from KC in arts.. I was wondering what are the different majors held in Kinnaird for students in Arts.. I couldn’t find a list or anything.. If u can help that’d be great.. Thank You
In arts field major courses in Kinnaird college are for FA Students
BBA, BA, BS in English, BS in Economics,
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
plz tell me the fees of MA english
Wt is the criteria for hons. Degree in kc n plz rep soon
You must have 60% marks in FSC for admission in KC and also apply for NAT-I test conducted by NTS. You must have 50% marks in NAT Test. Then you apply for kc admissions.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
What is the criteria of bba(hons) in kc? N also tell me what percentage is required to get admission in bba at kc??
For BBA Hons you must have 60% marks in FSC or 50% marks in NAT-I Test conduct by NTS. You should apply for NAT-I Test and when admission announced by Kinnaird College than you affixed this result. College admission should be expected in the month of July.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Okk thankyou so much for telling me…but students k lia kitni percentge require hai bba krna k lia??
what about admissions for MBA?
any admissions for MBA executive?
Currently admission are not announced. When admission announced we have updated on the website. It should be expected in the month of July.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
i want to apply for MBA but my result of 7th n 8th semester (bs Mechanical Engineering hasnt been yet declared) plus i havent given any GAT yet, M i eligible to apply?
If you apply for MBA you must have pass GAT Test with 50% marks. You must have 2.50 or 60% marks in BA/BSc. You apply on the base of hope certificate.
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment or text message from mobile and Cell number will display on About US of website in the box get in touch with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Also tell the requirements for MBA
You must have 2.50 CGPA in Graduation if you apply for MBA 1.5 YEARS.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Thank u for the generous reply, also tell has kinnaird arranged any special GAT ?
please tell me when are MA english admissions… please..
It should be expected in the month of July.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
is Kc a govt. institute? what about the fee for undergraduated courses?
i want to apply for M phil but my result of 7th n 8th semester (bs Econimics hasnt been yet declared) plus i havent given any GAT yet, M i eligible to apply? And plz tell me the about the admission Nd fee of mphil .. The upcoming date of Gat is in October probably so can u plz tell the solution of it
Kinnarid has conduct his own GAT Test for the student of M.Phil so you apply on appear on this test on 12th July
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Ammara bari GC university Faisalabad
Dear Mr ms .
In response your advertisement .I want take admission in mphill
English literature but just not complete in gat .will I eligible to take admission after admission if I clear gat in this regard
Ammara bari
Yes, you eligible for apply admission in Kinnaird College. GAT test should conduct in Campus you apply for this test.
Important Admission Date of Undergraduate Programs, Postgraduate Programmes. MPhil in English Language Teaching, Master Programs and Bachelors in Law
Admission Start from 30-06-2014
Last Date of Form Submissino 08-07-2014
Applicants apply for M.Phil should pass GAT Test, GAT Test should be held in Campus on 12th July 2014 at 09:00 am
Display of merit list 22nd July
Last Date of Fee Submission 28th July
Beginning of Session is from 25 August
Get Admission Form from Askari Bank branches Allama Iqbal Town, DHA-Z Block Branch, Model Town Branch and Shahrah-e-Aiwan- Tijarat Branch
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
kindly tell me about admissions in masters in eng.liter
Important Admission Date of Undergraduate Programs, Postgraduate Programmes. MPhil in English Language Teaching, Master Programs and Bachelors in Law
Admission Start from 30-06-2014
Last Date of Form Submissino 08-07-2014
Applicants apply for M.Phil should pass GAT Test, GAT Test should be held in Campus on 12th July 2014 at 09:00 am
Display of merit list 22nd July
Last Date of Fee Submission 28th July
Beginning of Session is from 25 August
Get Admission Form from Askari Bank branches Allama Iqbal Town, DHA-Z Block Branch, Model Town Branch and Shahrah-e-Aiwan- Tijarat Branch
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
but why are they not offering MA english literature???
kc is not offering masters in eng liter?
Its college decision.
AOA i did my alevels and have got the addmission form of kc from the askari bank. i am applying for BBA hons, in the form’s requirements NAT test is not mentioned and also i have not prepared for it yet is it really needed??
Entry Test for English Literature, Fine Arts, Linguistic, Economics and Computer Scienc should be held on 11th July at 09:00 AM
Interview for Botany, Chemistry, Economics, English Literature, International Relation should be held on 16th July at 10:00 AM.
Kinnaird College conduct entry test so you apply on these test.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Does Kinnaird College teaches BS Computer Science course? (Software Engineering, not IT)
Yes, Kinnaird College offered BSCS not software Engineering.
Important Admission Date of Undergraduate Programs, Postgraduate Programmes. MPhil in English Language Teaching, Master Programs and Bachelors in Law
Admission Start from 30-06-2014
Last Date of Form Submission 08-07-2014
Applicants apply for M.Phil should pass GAT Test, GAT Test should be held in Campus on 12th July 2014 at 09:00 am
Display of merit list 22nd July
Last Date of Fee Submission 28th July
Beginning of Session is from 25 August
Get Admission Form from Askari Bank branches Allama Iqbal Town, DHA-Z Block Branch, Model Town Branch and Shahrah-e-Aiwan- Tijarat Branch
Information about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box get in touch with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
plz tell me the fee criteria for ms cs?and frm whre we get admission forms?
You get admission from from Askari Bank branches Allama Iqbal Town, DHA-Z Block Branch, Model Town Branch and Shahrah-e-Aiwan- Tijarat Branch.
Last Date of Form Submission 08-07-2014
Fee Structure for MSCS is not confirm yet.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
what is the admission criteria to take admission in BA english literature for kinnaired intermediate ics students.Either there is open merit for it or I will have to take entry test.
Read the below date carefully and procedure of apply for admission. Which also mentioned entry test date of admissions.
Important Admission Date of Undergraduate Programs, Postgraduate Programmes. MPhil in English Language Teaching, Master Programs and Bachelors in Law
Admission Start from 30-06-2014
Last Date of Form Submissino 08-07-2014
Applicants apply for M.Phil should pass GAT Test, GAT Test should be held in Campus on 12th July 2014 at 09:00 am
Display of merit list 22nd July
Last Date of Fee Submission 28th July
Beginning of Session is from 25 August
Get Admission Form from Askari Bank branches Allama Iqbal Town, DHA-Z Block Branch, Model Town Branch and Shahrah-e-Aiwan- Tijarat Branch
Entry Test for English Literature and Fine Arts should be conduct on 11th July at 09:00 AM
Linguistics 11th July at 11:00 AM
Economics 11th July at 12:00 AM
Computer Science 11th July 01:00 PM
Interview for Botany, Chemistry, Economics, English Literature, and IR should be conduct on 16th July 2014 at 10:00 AM
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
i want to know the total expenditure on m,.phil english.plz.rply me………………..
Admission should be announced. You get admission from or prospectus in which all fees are mentioned.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Sir, I have got 976 in matric, 472 in 1st year F.Sc and 173 in NET.3.Kindly let me know about my chances in merit list of MBBS AMC.
Best Regards,
Dear, you insert you comment on the relevant post like AMC Post. Then I will further guide you in detail.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Sir I have done masters in English literature but I got less than 50% marrks.
Am I eligible for m.phil??
You have minimum 2.50 CGPA or 60% marks in MS for admission in M.Phil.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Is it any possibility for me to do mphil?Can I apply for M.A elt.
I got 55% in graduation.?
For Admission in MA Elt you must have 60% marks in BA/BSc.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
does kc offer msc biochemistry??
if yes then wht iz fee structure???
Kinnaird College not offered MSc Biochemistry.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
kc is offerin ma eng liter or not?kindly guide meee
Yes, Kinnaird College offered MA in English Literature you apply for admissions.
Eligibility for MA in English Literature:
You have minimum 2nd Division in BA/B.Sc.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
ok can u kindly tell me that from when admissions will start?
Last Date of Form Submission 08th July.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
kc eng liter m masters krwa rha hai k nai
Can u tell me about the department of science of food and nutrition eg how to apply for it,merite list,any test required nd dates for applying….???
Admission are now closed for department of science Food and Nutrion.
Last Date of Registration is 08-07-2014.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
How many seats are there for Mphil in Biochemistry 🙂
kindly tell me is kc offered Msc in biotechnology or biochemistry? if yes what is criteria nd procedure of admission? i m waiting for my bsc results.
Kinnaird College not offered MSc in Biotechnology or biochemistry.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
does kc offer msc in counselling psychology???
how to get admission?
Admission are closed now for 2014 admissions. Secondly kc is not offered MSC in Counselling Psychology. KC offered BS/BA and M.phil courses.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Uh hey.
I wanted to get some information about the admissions. What is the merit for Fsc Pre-Engineering? And when are you people handing out the forms? Last question. What is the last date for receiving the forms and submitting them?
Admission is closed in Kinnaird College from 08-07-2014.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
You’ll give out the forms after eid?
I want to get addmision in bscs.. can yw plx tell me what should I do.. can I apply in kc???
You are too late now for 2014 admissions.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
I want to get addmision in bscs..can you plx tell me what should I do.??
Can I aplly for this??
Admission are closed now from 08 July.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Assalam O Alaikum
Will the merit list for selected candidates of MS CS be uploaded on the internet?
If so please do tell the link of the website.
Hello, I wanted to know that on what percentage Students can get admission in ICS (Statistics) Morning Shift.
Will the admissions for BSC(hons) in kinnaird collage be open in december 2014 for the classes starting in janurary 2015.
When Kinnaird College announced new admission then we have updated on the website.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Hi AOA i just wanted to know when is the last date to submit my a levels result as the certificates have not arrived yet.. Moreover it takes 5 working days minimum for the equivalence certificate to arrive. So, would that be an issue if it takes a few days after the classes have been started??
It’s not any issue if your result issued is late. When result is issue then you will submit with in a week in the College.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Kindly tell me about masters admissions… Will masters admissions reopen in December???? And what are the subjects you are offering for masters??? Kindly let me know …
When new admission for Master Programs will be announced then we have updated on the website. University offered Master Programs in many fields. You want to apply for which Course.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Kindly tell me in which field kc offered masters????
Can i get the admission in bs physics??? After my 2nd year result??
After 2nd Year you will not apply for BS Physics because admission are closed now. You apply in BS Physics on the base of hope certificate.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Actually meri maths mae supply thi 1st year ma mae but mery 60% marks b thy woo jb bscs k admission forms submit ho rahy thy too ma na apply kia tha too unhoo na kaha tha k hum supply waloo ko nai laty soooo ab mery pass form too ha bscs ka or mera 2nd year ka result b any vala ha, mery pass bscs ka form b para hoa ha tooo ab ma 2nd year k bad too apply nai kr skti na
In which subject kc offers masters????
sir i need your help
plz inform me k bs bioteachnology & bs biochemistry ki admission prospectus milne ki dates kb se start ho rhi he?
Admission will be closed for Undergraduate 2014 admissions.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
What percentage is required for M.A Economics & M.A in other subjects…?
Please tell me about that asap
I shall be very thankful to you
You must have 2.5 CGPA in previous acadamic qualification for admission in M.A Economics & M.A
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
I have clear my B.COM IT please tell me asap
Currently admission are closed now for 2014.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Plx tell me mari ak supply ai hai to kya mujhy b.F.D mA admission mil sakta hai aur bad ma clear kar lo
Yes, you apply for admission in B.F.D but on the base of hope certificate if your 2nd year result is not announced.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Plz tell me about next admission date for BBA n about fee structure also.. Thank u
Currently next admission date are not announced expected in which month announced. When admission date announced then we have updated on the website.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Kya kinnard college may abi b admissions ho sktay hain .mujhau b.f.a may krwana hai ma 2nd year clear kia hai plz tell me meri 70 persectage hai in fine arts plz tell??
Plz bta dain agar b.f.a may ni ho skta to kya simple fine arts ka admission ho skta hai??? Mera abi result ayaa hai 2nd year ka
No, Currently admission are closed now in Kinnaird College.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
No, at this time admission are closed now.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
i want my masters in psychology ,does kc offer this program and want the upcoming admission date and plz tell me also, is there age limitation for the admission in kc.
does kc offer master in psychology and what is the upcoming date of admission and is there age limitation for admission in kc.
Is admission in MPhil Business administration offered in spring? If so, when?
Admin plz tell me k kc ma ba(two years) program krwa ry hain plzzzz reply me as soon as pssble… N if yes then requirments kiya hain… Plzzz reply…!!!
College not offered any 2 Year Course. College offered BS 4 Years Course.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
on which basis u did admittion ??? fsc result was announced on 12 sept. last date of form submission was 28 july…
We offered admission on FSC Result.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
I know there is a department of Arabic in kinnaird and it is stated on this page as well. But I heard that I can not major in arabic sciences on bachelors level in kinnaird. Is this true? Is the Arabic department not for bachelors program ?
Yes, there is BS Subject in the department of Arabic.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
can i get admission in kc in masters program ?… i have completed my BA this year …. and kc kaun kaun se subjects offer krta hai in master after BA ? MA in english literature 2 years program offer ho raha hai is saal like 2013 ?
Currently Kinnaird College not offered MA in English literature Course.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Phir kaun kaun se programs offer kr raha hai kc in masters?
Zeba I have reply your answer.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
kindly please tell me the criteria of taking admission in bs hons. mass communication..
tand also please tell when will m the admiission open for other aspect specially bs in mass com.kindly please give me the ifo regarding this..i hce already done inter frm kinnaird n hving 55% marks.kya admission mil jaye gabs hons in mass com m old kcite and mass com k admission kb khulain gy please guide me..thanks
BS in Mass Communication is not offered by Kinnaird College Lahore.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
phir kaun kaun se programs offer ho rahe hai? and MA in eng literature srf december main offer nahi ho ? june main hota hai?
This program is not offered in spring admissions. MA English Literature 2 Years admission should be offered in Fall Admission. So, you will apply in next Fall admission for MA English Literature. If you want to apply for MA ELT at this time then you will apply in NUML Islamabad Campus till 08 Dec through hand.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
when can I apply if I want admission in bs nutrition
You will get admission form from college campus on payment of Rs 1000.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
my name is aisha i want to get complete information about mphil in english literature 2015 plz tell me am i aligible having 2nd division in ma english literature
M.Phil in English Literature is not offered by Kinnaird College.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
i am aisha plz give me complete information about mphil in english literature i have done my ma in english literature with 2nd division am i eligible for mphil and when admission will open i want to get admission as soon as possible plz give me complete information about it i will be thankful to u
M.Phil in English Literature is offered by Kinnaird College.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Dear Sir,
Kindly can you guide me if there any NAT is require for admission in BS hons Env Sciences? because i didn’t appear in NAT and i want to get admission in spring 2015 session
There is no requirement of NAT Test for admission in BS (Hons) Environmental Sciences.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
admin can you tell me about the BS Fata Reserved seats and how can we apply ?
You will get admission form from college and there is reserved seats for FATA students.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
salam me aisha i want to know that kinarid offers mphil in english
M.Phil in Applied & Linguistics
M.Phil in English Literature
Kinnaird offered these two programs. But admission for these two program will be offered in June/July 2015. These two program admission will not offered in Springs.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
plz tell me admission date of mphil in linguistics and also tell me am i eligible i have done ma in english literature and studied linguistics as a optional subject plz tell me last date and eligibility criteria
Eligibility for M.Phil in Applied & Linguitic & M.Phil in English Literature
4 Years BA/B.Sc(Hons) with minimum CGPA of 2.50 in related subject or 60% Master after 2 years BA/BSc
GAT General passed with 50% marks through NTS
Applicant should have Graduation in relevant field.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Plzzzz kia app bta sakte hain ke f.s.c main admission ho sakta hai? Agar matric pakistan se na ki ho? Plzzzzzzzzzzzzz reply jaldii kariye ga
Yes, you will get admission in Kinnaird College on the base of O Level study.
Eligibility for International Students:
Applicants with O’ Levels / Equivalent Examination must clear a minimum of eight
subjects including Urdu, English, Pakistan Studies, Mathematics and Islamiyat/
Scripture/ Ethics in two or more sittings as required by the Board of
Intermediate and Secondary Education, Lahore
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
AOA please can u tell me that What percentage is required to get admission in FA?
Every year merit is totally different. So, I have give you the exact merit num. But you need to get above 70% marks in Matric.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Sir! Can you please tell me if there will be admission open for BFA?
When admission announced for BFA then we have updated on the website.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Is thr nts is compulsory for bs . psychology
There is no requirement of NTS Test for Admission in BS Psychology.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
What are new updates of spring admission please confirm us new interview dates
For Interview new updates you will call on admission cell of Kinnaird College.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
A.O.A Sir Plzz tell me about m.phill english literature spring admission in kinnard college???
M.Phil in English Literature admission will be announced in Fall Admissions. This course is not offered in Spring Admissions.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Merit list bs.psychology ki KB display ho GI spring 2015 ki
Merit list will be updated soon.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
Sir Kia bs nutrition k liye nat zarori hai..??n agr fsc n nat ki percentage 60 to 70% ho tou Kia admisn k chances hote hain..??
Yes, NAT is compulsory for applying admission in BS Nutrition. Secondly, every merit is totally different. But it’s seem to be positive score for good merit position.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
i want to do bachelors in psychology. Doing Alevels right now. I wanted to know if transcripts are needed for the alevles students. What are the things that have to be submitted by the alevels students?
You need to submit your all educational documents at the time of admissions.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
also, is the NTS and NAT tests two different things? If i wanna dfo bachelors then i have to give both, right?
NAT Test is conducted by National Testing Service (NTS). If you want to apply for admission in Kinnaird College than appear in NAT Test.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
I mean when the admissions will open for bsc?
New Admission open in the month of July/Aug. When admission announced than we have updated on the website.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
In which subjects kc offers M.phil???
KC offered M.Phil in following subjects:
Computer Science
International Relations
Political Sciences
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
I have done bs in textiles and clothing from Home Economics college gulberg.
Now i want to do m.phil in which subject i am eligible to do in and apply for???
I have done bs in textiles and clothing from Home Economics college gulberg lahore.
Now i want to do M.Phil in which subjects i am eligible to apply for???
When are admission in june 2015
Currently, it’s not confirmed but when admission announce than we have updated on the website.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
i want to take an admission in bba so tell me about the percentage required and date of entry test
You need to obtained 50% in FSc for admission in BBA. Secondly, admission date expected to announce in the month of July.
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Regards, From Entireeducation Team
When will Kinnaird Spring admission 2016 start?
i am the student of gcuf layyah campus. In 2017, i would be passed out. plzz tell me how i can apply in ms in biochemistry plzz….
i belong to a poor family. my parents would not be educated. so its humble request from me plzz help me..
What percentage is required for BFA? Please kindly show me the fee structure of BFA also including hostel charges.
What percentage is required to apply in spring session (Bs hons) in urdu , nutrition , arabic and finearts ???