People are searching for the NUMS Entry test Registration procedure and all the other information, but are unable to find out various related details on the internet. If you are the same person than you have arrived at the right spot and will get all the details in a plate for breakfast or lunch or dinner. Kindly stick to the post till the finishing line to visualize more and more.
Our team will provide the step by step details about the procedure on how to access and fulfill the NUMS entry test and will tell you about the admission details of this Institute.
Full name of this institute is National University of Medical Sciences. It was established in 2015 and is a type of Public Institute for medical Education. President of Pakistan is the chancellor of this establishment and Lt General Syed Muhammad Imran is the vice chancellor. This university comprises of 2000 plus undergraduate Students and more than 150 post Higher Educational Commission and Pakistan Medical and Dental Council is the affiliated partner of NUMS University of Medical Sciences . NUMS has the following institutes under its Affiliation as well:
- Army Medical College (AMC)
- CMH Lahore Medical College
- CMH Multan Institute of Medical Sciences
- WAH Medical College
- Karachi institute of Medical Sciences
This establishment is a huge win for the education system of Pakistan as though it provides the best serving in terms of Doctoral degrees and has Army Institutions under its domain as well. We are talking about a huge game over here which is fundamentally approaching towards glory day by day.
NUMS Entry Test 2022 Registration Online Form Admission Procedure Dates And Schedule
At this time of the year, everyone starts talking about getting admission in a good learning firm for a brighter future. Mostly want to go into doctoral degrees and under NUMS Entry Test Domain. They want to make the most out of their lives and put efforts for flourishing and shining. Entry Test is one of those words which Shakes a student’s inner self when he or she hear such word coming from any direction.
NUMS Entry Test Eligibility Criteria
The person should be having at least or minimum 60% passing marks in his or her Matriculation, Intermediate (Pre-Med) or Equivalent Education. For those candidates who are awaiting for their results in intermediate annual examination are given a relief to apply on the basis of their part – 1 result card or mark sheet.
For those who candidates who have to study the background of O-A Level, those applicants who are currently appearing or sitting in their annual Examination can apply on the basis of the result card of their O Level Education. Catch here is that, the applicant must have to provide a clearance certificate from Inter Board Committee of Chairmen known as IBCC. It is to be noted that the confirmation of the admission will only be given on the basis of A-level results.
Students who are coming from abroad are also eligible to apply on the basis os SAT-II Exams. They should or must have a minimum of 550 marks in every three subs of science. It is eligible for all Pakistani, Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Kashmir.
Admission will be held in June/July, 2021
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Apply For NUMS Entry Test through NTS
It is a very easy task if done correctly and with proper understanding. First off, the person has to go on the official Website of NTS, after loading up, click on the Button Labeled as “New Projects”.
When the person will look into the opened page, he or she will have to go through and find the Button which says “Click Here” and push that button. This will take the user to another Page.
The user will see a table which is put in front of the candidate, for online registration “Click Here”, Again the user has to click on the button.
A form will pop up in front of you and you will have to fill out the form with accurate credentials. After this, the application form will be posted towards the NTS Office.
“Kindly View and inherit these details of the procedure carefully”
Application Form, which is to be sent to the NTS Office must have to be received within the given period of the last date of submission, in any delay case, the administration is not responsible. If the courier company delivers the package late, still no response is to be forged upon this establishment.
An applicant who is applying for the test must create a password which should have a length of at least 6 characters. A secret question will be asked in the signup form and the person will have to fill in the answer for safekeeping his or her password.
Now, your account sign up procedure is complete, you just have to wait and be patient. In Case of a new program submission, the applicant will have to sign up again and do the math again. Also, apply on LCC Lady cadet course after graduation in MBBS and BDS.
Requirements for NUMS Form Submission
Fill in the information about yourself which is asked. Carefully re-read the information which is submitted and then click on any further button.
Next phase includes uploading of the photograph. If the person does not upload his or her recent Photograph, due to this, a procession of application will not be put forth or in action.
After such steps, click on the submit button and wait for it to properly submit. The user is directed to keep a photocopy of the form (Application Form) for Safety purposes. He also needs to attach 2 recent photographs on the Printed form.
The application must be sent with original Deposit Slip, Any other or photocopied slip will not be taken for granted.
After that, you just have to take the testing program and insert personal information and submit and then print out the challan form of National University of Medical Sciences. Then fill out the application Form and hustle towards the nearest courier services and post it on this Address:
National Testing Service (NTS)
(NUMS Project)
1-E, Street No. 46
Sector I-8/2
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NUMS Test Admission
We will discuss the Army Medical College Admission Process, this will start after the Declaration of the Entry Exam Results. To get admission in AMC, the candidate has to apply to the National University of Medical Sciences.
- Prospectus and the samples of the application forms will be available on the official website online along with all the necessary details about the relevance of the topic.
- Selection of the candidates will be done according to their results of matriculation, Intermediate and most of the total marks of NUMS test.
- Admissions are totally based upon NUMS Merit List and is eligible for all over Pakistan which also includes Azad Kashmir and Gilgit.
Army Medical College Online Application
There are various Steps which are to be taken in precautionary measures, First of all, you have to apply for online request to get hands on the Prospectus, this Process can be done by Clicking Here.
After the submission of the request, the applicant will be able to get the prospectus within 24 hours, getting the prospectus will lead to exploring, the candidate must look for the term ARN known as Application Registration Number which should be mentioned on the very first page of the prospectus.
Now all the remaining work is the filling the form Online for NUM’S.
NUMS Online Test
There’s No such thing as Online Test service in National University of Medical Sciences , the applicant will have to go to the proper location and sit in the examination hall to attempt the Entry test Protocol.
NUMS Entry Test Preparation Online
There are many online education providers who are willing to provide quality education for this purpose and will serve a good hand in opening an opportunity for the student. Online Preparation books are also available on various sites, some of which are free while some cost money.
NUMS Paper Pattern
Total Time Allowed: 3 Hours & 30 minutes
Total MCQ’s: 180
Chemistry 45
Physics 45
Biology 70
English 20
Now it is very easy to calculate your very own Aggregate by using NUMS Merit and Aggregate Calculator. This particular calculator predicts you’re Admission Chances which are totally based on your Aggregated Marks.
NUMS Entry Test Papers:
Past Papers for NUMS Entry Test are also available on the internet to study from them and get the useful details of polishing skills of your own. This is very helpful for those candidates who do not know anything about the examination. Kindly check online >for grabbing the papers of your own interest and study them with proper Wisdom and wit.
List of Medical & Dental Colleges in ICT, AJ&K and NUMS Affiliated Medical College

I couldnot find the application form for entry test 2018 of NUMS.Will someone help me?
plz btaiy registration kb r kasy ho g sae pta nae chal rha
Atiqa Ashraf 57124
RegistrAtion in nums told me about registration date to apply for test
Please help me for registration in mums registration,, who I can apply
Nums registration last date kia h
How I can apply and what is the date of test…,? Kindly help me..
sir nums admission kb start hongy…..
where is nums form .I could not find form please help me
Currently, no admission’s announced by NUMS Medical University. At the time of admission, the Registration form will be uploaded.
What is the expected date for nuns entry test and when will be its registration opened and what is its procedure?
sir what is the registration date of nums please tell me
When is the last date of registrations??? And also where do i fill the registration form??? Pls i want to kno
how i can find registration form for nums test…..plz help me….?
Registration start hue ha????
Currently, No Admission announced by Nums University
kindly,tell me the last date for nums test amd fm&dc test’s registration?
Plz tell when nums is going to conduct their test
Admissions start from 15 October 2018 Online Registration