PAEC Postgraduate Fellowships at PIEAS Islamabad is one of leading university of Pakistan. This university offered flourishing education and bright future for the students. Our faculty gives you right information in right time. That is helpful for you in future. This university academic curriculum makes your study easy and appropriate.
PAEC Postgraduate Fellowships 2022 KINPOE Karachi and Chashma
Important 2022 Admission Date for BS Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
- Last Date of Form Submission 08 May
- PIEAS Admission Test 14 June
- Get Admission Form or pay online Rs 1200/-.
- Applicants must be deposited applicant fee in the PIEAS University Online Account No. 0010002084620041 (Title of Account: PIEAS-APF), Allied Bank Limited, Cabinet Division Branch (Code No. 0793), Islamabad.
- Student who wants to apply for Pak-USAID Merit and Need Base Scholarship will apply before 08 May 2022 and sent to Financial Aid Office, PIEAS, Nilore, Islamabad
Admission on the basis of SAT Scores:
- SAT-II result of three Subject(Physics, Chemistry & Maths level II
- A minimum Score of 2000 is required
- SAT Score must reach Registrar, PIEAS latest by June 30, 2022
- The PIEAS Institutional code to receive SAT scores is 7272.
PAEC Postgraduate Fellowships:
PAEC Postgraduate Fellowships in PIEAS and Karachi Institute of Power Engineering (Kinope) offering MS Fellowships for Medical Doctors, Scientists, and Engineer. PAEC offering fellowship of Rs 25,000 per month & Appointment in SPS-8 after completion of successful graduation.
Kinope Karachi:
- MS Nuclear Power Engineering
PIEAS Islamabad:
- Materials Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Nuclear Engineering
- Systems Engineering
- Electrical
- Media Physics
- Radiation Physics
- Physics
- Computer Science
- Radiation & Medical Oncology
- Nuclear Medicine
Admission Dates for Fellowship:
- Last Date of Form Submission 08 May
- Admission Test 13 June
Procedure to Apply:
- Student download Admission Form from Official webpage of PIEAS pays processing fee of Rs 15, 00/- and from a submission by post Rs 2000/-.
- If an applicant is applying for both PIEAS and KINPOE than additional charges must be pay Rs 300/-.Dully filled form with passport size photograph and bank receipt must reach Registrar office before a due date.
- The Admission Form processing fee must be submitted in the PIEAS University Online Account No. 0010002084620041(Account Title: PIEAS-APF) Allied Bank Limited, Cabinet Division Branch (Code No. 0793), Islamabad.
- Bank not deducts any service charges for the submission of fee through any branch of ABL.
Why I Apply for PAEC Fellowships:
- Highly specialized full-time faculty
- 24-hour speedy Internet facility
- Every student has access to digital library
- Furnished laborites with complimentary touch
- Ph.D. Program rated successful
PAEC Postgraduate Fellowships for Successful Graduates:
PAEC offered fellowship for MS Programs at KINOPE and PIEAS has following features:
Full Fee-Concession:
- Providing free transport, hostel & indoor medical treatment.
- Organization offering monthly stipend of Rs 25000/-
Job Opportunities after MS Degree:
- PAEC offered job designation of Junior Scientist, Junior Medical Officer or Engineering in SPS 8 with 3 earlier increments.
- Graduates promoted to SPS-9 Senior Scientist, Senior Engineer or Senior Medical Officer after 2 years of Service.
Can I Apply for PEAC Fellowships?
- All Nationals of Pakistan having a pre-requites qualification.
- A student having 1st division throughout career may apply. However, one 2nd division is acceptable but in final degree.
- Those applicants who complete their degree at the end of 2022 may also apply.
- Age-limit: 27 years as on December 31, 2022
Merit Criteria:
Entrance Test shall be conducted in major cities of Pakistan.Final merit will be calculated through Admission Test and Interview.
Contact Us:
- Address: Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences 45650, Nilore Islamabad
- Phone Number: 051-9248611-20(ext: 3227, 3228), 051-9248740
- Email: [email protected]
Admission Criteria for Postgraduate M. S. Material Engineering:
A 5-semester (24 months) full time M. S. program covering up a variety of factors of Materials Engineering by the university. The importance is on the functional applications of materials science and engineering towards national engineering desires. Regions consist of materials portrayal, alloy progression and phase control, composites, polymeric and ceramic materials and their synthesis, material manufacturing procedures.
Department of Nuclear Engineering:
The Objective and Trust of the Department:
The main aim of this department of an institute is to offer qualified manpower for nuclear power programs in the country.
- Dr. Naseem Irfan (Head of the Department)
- Dr. Tehsin Hamid (Pro-Rector)
- Mr. Ahmad Talat Fatimi (Advisor to Rector)
- Dr. Muhammad Tufail
- Dr. Tariq Majeed (Warden university Hostels)
- Dr. Idrees Ahmad
- Dr. S. Shoaib Raza
- Dr. Aman ur Rehman
- Mr. Masroor Ahmad
- Mr. Mohammad Ilyas
- Mr. Inam ul Haq
- Mr. Hassan Abbas
- Dr. Inam ul Haq
- Mr. Khalid Waheed
- Mr. Khurram Saleem Chaudry
- Mr. Rizwan Ahmad
- Mr. Muhammad Sohail
- Mr. Azhar Hussain Malik
MS (Nuclear Engineering):
This course is by significantly the oldest at institute. Greater than 750 engineers and scientists have graduated from this program over the past 3 years and nowadays they form the anchor of many projects of the Commission. The contributors to this program of university are taken from nearly all the engineering and scientific disciplines. This selection is just one of the imperatives of the multi-disciplinary nature of nuclear engineering itself of university. It has generally been a stimulative difficult task for the faculty to manual a group of people with distinct skills towards the single goal of comprehending the difficult systems and techniques involved in nuclear technology.
B.S. Computer and Information Sciences:
It is a 4-year full-time degree program composed of a 2-week positioning program and 8 regular semesters each of 14 weeks (2 semesters annually). For admittance to this program, the learners must have exceeded Intermediate/A-level (with Physics and Mathematics) and at least 60% marks or comparative in both the Matriculation/O-level and Intermediate/A-level examinations. The college student will study 32 core programs, 4 optional programs and a seminar project spanned over final 3 semesters. The suggestion for seminar project (one credit hour) is to be posted in the 5th semester.
Thanks for visiting our site which is compatible of Universities Admissions and details. We provide the best information about PIEAS Islamabad Admission.
Official Site: PIEAS Islamabad (for Admission details)
Type: Private
I want to get admission in MBBS. Please guide me. And what is the fee structure
PAEC not offered admission for MBBS. After MBBS you apply as Medical Officer in PAEC.
nformation about any queries in your mind leave a comment in the box and stay with
Regards, From Entireeducation Team
I want to apply for fellowship in atomic energy but i didn’t find application form.
please anyone share it if possible
I want to get admission in BS engineering on Need base but m late 🙁
what i have to do now?