Cadet colleges are specialized kind of educational institutions giving junior scholars of the country an interesting possibility to acquire their qualities and smartness, so as to prepare yourself them as possibilities future management of the country. In a cadet college, academic coaching and also military training is offered to the young outstanding boys of the country.
Colleges Houses
In cadet colleges commercial halls are referred to as houses. There are 3 houses in SCC.
- Shahjalal House
- Titumir House
- Surma House
Further Information Regarding College
The egg shaped monogram consists of an start book concentrating a flame of light above a tea plant (2 leaves and a bud) and bordered by 3 colours of 3 services of the armed forces on a violet background. Violet is the colour of the institute. The outside condition of the emblem is depicted like shapla (lotus), the countrywide flower. At the bottom part of the emblem is published the title of the college.

The flag is split into 3 parts. The top left part holds the monogram of the institute. The bottom level part is coloured in college color- violet. The top right part contains 3 parts, colored in the house colors of 3 houses of the college. The top part is blue. It is the colour of Titumir House. The central part is red-colored. It is the colour of Hazrat Shahjalal(R: )#) House. The bottom portion is green. It is colour of Surma House.
Contact Us:
Principal, SCC
Post Office: Sylhet Cadet college
District: Sylhet-3101
Phone Numbers:
Principal: 0821-714819
Adjutant: 0821-713631
Thanks for visiting our site which is compatible of Universities Admissions and complete details about Bangladesh Cadet Colleges. We provide the best information about SCC Bangladesh.
Official WebSite: www.sylhetcadetcollege.org
Founded: 1978
Type: Public